- Introduction - 1774
- Discovery and Exploration - Spain and France
- The Maritime Fur Traders
- The First English Traders
- London Traders--Portlock and Dixon - 1787
- The Voyages of Captain Douglas - 1788
- The Boston Traders - 1789-1791
- The French on the Northwest Coast, 1792
- The Ship Ruby, 1794-1795
- Changes in the Fur Trade, 1796-1809
- Era of the Hudson Bay Company, 1821
- Gold Discoveries, 1851-1853
- The Wreck of the Susan Sturgis, 1852
- The Wreck of the Vancouver, 1854
- Early Coastal Surveys, 1866
- Christian Missions on Haida Gwaii, 1829-1897
- Condition of the Population, 1938
- The Fishing Industry
- Forestry--The Spruce
- Settlement and Commerce, 1912-1921
- Transportation on the Islands, 1946
- Mining, Oil and the Military, 1949
Legal History and Documents
More recent history
More recent history
- Haida Canoe makes Historic Voyage, 1989
- Christian Discovery and Dominance and Indigenous Rights
Newspaper Articles
- The 1862 Smallpox Epidemic, April 2012